printed version ISSN : 1679-4974 |
RESS publishes scientific articles in the field of public health, including epidemiology, social and human sciences in health, management and planning, and which present evidence relevant to the SUS. The abbreviation of its title is Epidemiol . Serv. Saúde, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic captions. |
RESS is a continuation of the SUS Epidemiological Report (IESUS) initiated in 1992 by the National Epidemiology Center (CENEPI), predecessor of the Health and Environment Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health. In 2023, from volume 12, number 1, the journal was renamed Epidemiology and Health Services. Epidemiology and Health Services: SUS journal (RESS) is an open access scientific journal, published annually and continuously, at no cost to authors and readers, which is edited by the General Coordination of Technical-Scientific Publishing in Surveillance in Health, Department of Strategic Epidemiology and Health Surveillance Actions, Health and Environment Surveillance Secretariat, Ministry of Health. It is governed by Ordinance No. 14, of August 13, 2015, and by its Statute. |
This journal follows the Gold Open Access model, at no cost to authors or readers. RESS aligns with open science practices. Manuscripts deposited on reliable preprint servers , such as SciELO , are welcomed Preprints , bioRxiv and medRxiv , before or in parallel with submission. The corresponding author must inform about such deposit in the Open Science Compliance Form, a document that must accompany the submission. The availability of research data must be declared in this form and in the manuscript, in the “Data availability” section, with appropriate citation and referencing. As a standard, the RESS submission system follows a double-blind peer review model , in which authors and reviewers are not identified. The opening of the evaluation process is planned according to the following steps:
All published articles inform the name and ORCID ID of the associated editor and the identity of the referees who so wish. Assessment opinions can be published in the “Peer Review Opinions” format, with or without the identification of the reviewers in the authorship, depending on the options indicated. |
The RESS Declaration on Publication Ethics, available at:, expresses the journal's ethical commitment to adopting best practices in scientific publishing. The authors, when submitting articles to RESS, undertake and are aware of this declaration. RESS adopts the principles of ethics in publishing the Committee 's code of conduct on Publication Ethics ( COPE ) to guide its editorial procedures. For research with human beings in Brazil, authors must fully comply with the standards contained in the Resolutions of the National Health Council. The cover page file must include (i) the protocol number with ( ii ) the date of approval by the research committee research ethics, ( iii ) certificate of presentation of ethical assessment and ( iv ) obtaining informed consent. |
RESS publishes scientific articles in the field of public health, including epidemiology, social and human sciences in health, management and planning, and which present evidence relevant to the SUS. The target audience is researchers, professors and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the area of Public Health; managers and health professionals; and others interested in discussing topics related to public health. |
TThis journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy program. All volumes of the journal are preserved digitally, at the Evandro Chagas Institute (IEC) and in the SciELO Collections, from its admission into the collection in 2014 (volume 23). RESS, as part of the SciELO Brasil and SciELO Public Health Collections, relies on digital preservation within the structure of the Cariniana Network , created by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology ( Ibict /MCTI) and which operates as a digital preservation system based in the distributed network model, with storage by the LOCKSS open source system, created by Stanford University . |
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© 2024 Coordenação-Geral de Desenvolvimento da Epidemiologia em Serviços / Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente / Ministério da Saúde do Brasil
SRTVN Quadra 701, Via W 5 Norte, Lote D, Edifício PO 700 - 7º andar,
Asa Norte, Brasília, DF, Brasil.
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