ISSN 2176-6223 |
The Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde is a journal published by Instituto Evandro Chagas, a Brazilian Ministry of Health's Public Health and Research Institute linked to the National Health Surveillance Secretariat. It aims to contribute to the production, dissemination and use of national and international scientific knowledge. The journal is released quarterly and publishes original researches related to the areas of Biomedicine, Environment, Public Health and Medical Anthropology, covering issues on health care, education and research. |
The Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde accepts national and international submissions in Portuguese, English or Spanish. If the paper is submitted in English or Spanish, in order to avoid delays in the Journal's release, we suggest that it be reviewed by a native speaker – a scientist of the same field, if possible. Both orthographic and grammar reviews are the author's responsibility, however the Journal's Editorial Board may execute grammar and similar adaptations. Each submission is reviewed by at least two peer reviewers; its acceptance is based on its scientific content and presentation. The manuscripts must be written and submitted in strict accordance with the directions listed in the Instructions for Contributors section. The papers submitted to the Editorial Board must not have been previously published (except as a brief report) and must not have been simultaneously submitted to other Journals for publication. The veracity of the information and the bibliographic citations are the author's sole responsibility. Researches on or involving the use of animals, human beings and/or the environment must be approved by a Research Ethics Committee, and this approval must be mentioned in the Submission process. If applicable, it will also be necessary to get the approval of the National Research Ethics Committee, linked to the National Health Council. The authors' opinions and concepts are their exclusive responsibility, and do not represent the opinions and beliefs of the Journal's Editorial Board. The acceptance of the manuscripts for publication involves the transference of the copyrights in the article and all supplementary material submitted for publication in all kinds of media and formats to the Journal. Any legitimate request by the authors to reproduce their article will not be denied. The Journal publishes the following kinds of papers: 1 Original Articles: original and unpublished researches which contribute to the development of knowledge in a specific field. Their content must include the following sections: Introduction, Materials e Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion; 2 Historical article: historical event or character that had a significant role in a research field, a profession, a discovery, among others; 3 Review Articles: critical and systematic reviews of the literature of a certain area. Review Articles should present the main evidences, discussing their methodology and controversial aspects, presenting the author's own interpretation on the subject; 4 Communications: brief, non-detailed articles on an ongoing scientific research, reporting their preliminary results. Their purpose is to inform the scientific community about the development of new discoveries, this way guaranteeing the authors' priority on the issue; 5 Case Reports: descriptions of important and well-documented cases under a clinical and laboratorial point of view, including a brief review of the literature, a description of the case studied and an appropriate discussion; 6 Technical note: guidelines, summaries of guidebooks or manuals, institutional recommendations and scripts; and 7 Letters to the Editor: readers' opinions on published articles. They must present solid comments on published topic and/or a controversial issue. |
GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT The papers must be sent in a .doc file (MS Word), formatted for an A4-size page. The Font must be Times New Roman, and its size must be 12. The text must present single line spacing between lines and a 6 pt space between paragraphs; upper, lower, right and left margins must be of 3 cm. FIRST PAGE Title: The article title should be short and attractive in order to provoke its reading, and the terms used must identify the content, so that the subject and the area of knowledge can be recognized. It must be centered, in boldface type and in lower case, except for propoer names and beginning of sentences. When there is a mention of the city and state, the country must be mentioned as well. Authorship: It should present the authors' full names (centered, in boldface type and in Upper/lower case), his or her complete affiliation, with the institutions in hierarchical order, followed by the state and country of origin. Abstract: a summary of the paper content should be concise and present the most relevant elements of the article. It should be submitted in the article's language and have information about its goal, methodology, results and conclusions. The editorial board will be entitled to translate the abstract to the other two languages of the Journal. They must be presented with single line spacing, up to 250 words. Keywords: the keywords identify the uniterms/descriptors which represent the core content f the article. A minimum of three and maximum of six terms should be provided. We suggest the use of the structured vocabulary of the Health Science Descriptors (DeCS), available at The terms will be translated for publication in different languages. Address for correspondence: The main author's address must be provided. It must have the author's name, full address, telephone number and e-mail. TEXT The structure of the text article must follow the guidelines of each category above described, so that all the submitted texts follow the Journal's standardized form. Introduction: The introduction should establish the objective of the research, give a brief summary with literature review and relevant researches, and specify which advances were possible to achieve through the research. It should not include data or conclusions of the submitted paper. Development: The development must present the core of the research, with an exposition and demonstration of the subject. It should include the methodology (material and methods), the results and the discussion. Its structure must follow the structure below. Materials and Methods: This section is crucial to give a study its scientific character. It must present the procedures and materials used in the research in details, so that another researcher can perform the same research with the supplied data. However, standardized techniques may be only mentioned. Results: The Results section must display all representative data collected through the research. It must present a concise description of the new discovered information, with a minimum personal judgment. It must not repeat in full all the data exposed in tables or illustrations. Discussion: This section must present the correlation between the observed facts and the scientific literature. The Discussion section gives and suggests: the opportunity to agree or disagree with the results obtained by other researchers and already mentioned in the references; to establish relationships, parallel deductions, possible generalizations, or even identify errors in correlations; to present comments on the results reported in the Results section. It must be written in plain language, and the author expresses his/her position on the obtained data. Conclusion: This is the final part of the article, and should be based on the available evidences pertinent to the object of the research. The conclusions must be precise and clearly stated; each of them must be supported by the objects of the study; they must relate the obtained results with the raised hypotheses; they must highlight what has been achieved in the research and the possible application of its results; they may suggest other studies which would complement the research; and they may have practical recommendations. Acknowledgements: In the Acknowledgements section, the author may cite the people who have contributed, either technically or intellectually to the development of the research. Also, supporting institutions may be mentioned in this section. CITATIONS The citations must be inserted in the text, with numbers written above, no parentheses, right at the end of the excerpt(s) to which the reference is made. Only the citations written in the text must be referenced. Direct citations (transcriptions) are accepted in historical articles or articles on medical anthropology; in other kinds of manuscripts, only citations up to three lines inserted in the text will be accepted. REFERENCES The references must be alphabetically ordered; they should be numbered and normalized according to the Vancouver style. Only the citations in the text must be referenced. Only articles that have been published or submitted and accepted by a named publication should be in the reference list. Submitted papers must be cited as 'in press'. In this case, a letter of acceptance from the respective journal must be provided. Unpublished data must be mentioned in the text as 'unpublished data'. In this case, a letter with its author's permission must be provided. The titles of the periodicals must be abbreviated in accordance with the style used by Index Medicus, available at Guidelines for authorship: Where there are up to six authors you must list all authors, separated by a comma; where there are more than six authors, only the first six are listed and add the Latin expression "et al". Intellectual responsibility (editors, organizers, compilers etc.): You must add their function after the name(s). E.g."Castelo Branco SL, editor", "Marques Neto H, Oliveira Filho M, Chaves Junior SF, organizers". Corporative Authors: Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Universidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Pediatria. Ministério da Saúde (BR). Centro de Documentação. Examples: a) Articles from periodicals: Linhares AC, Pinheiro FP, Freitas RB, Gabbay YB, Shirley JA, Beards GM. An outbreak of rotavirus diarrhea among a nonimmune, isolated South American Indian Community. Am J Epidemiol. 1981;113(6):703-10. Volume with part: Marcus FI. Drug interaction with amiodarone. Am Heart J. 1983;106(4 Pt 2):924-30. Volume with supplement: Mirra SS, Gearing M, Nash F. Neuropathologic assessment of Alzheimer's disease. Neurology. 1997;49 Suppl 3:S14-6. Issue with supplement: Wise MS. Childhood nacolepsy. Neurology. 1998;50(2 Suppl 1):S37-42. b) Books: Leão RNQ, coordenador. Doenças infecciosas e parasitárias: enfoque amazônico. Belém: CEJUP; 1997. 885 p. Fletcher RH, Fletcher SW, Wagner EH. Clinical epidemiology. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1988. c) Book chapters: If the author of the chapter and the author of the book are not the same: Kapikian AZ, Hoshino Y, Chanock RM. Rotaviruses. In: Knipe DM, Howley PM, editors. Fields virology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2001. p. 1787-1833. Monroe SS, Carter MJ, Herrmann JE, Mitchell DK, Sanchez-Fauquier A. Family Astroviridae. In: Fauquet CM, Mayo MA, Maniloff J, Desselberger U, Ball LA, editors. Virus Taxonomy: Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. London: Elsevier/Academic Press; 2005. p. 859-64. If the author of the chapter and the author of the book are the same: Veronesi R. Doenças infecciosas. 7. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 1982. Eritema infeccioso; p. 32-4. Institutional Authorship: Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Plano nacional de controle da tuberculose. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 1999. d) Unpublished material: Stewart WC, Geiger AC, Jenkins JN. The benefit of repeated intraocular pressure measurements in clinical trials. Arch Ophthalmol. In Press 2004. Cronemberger S, Santos DVV, Ramos LFF, Oliveira ACM, Maestrini HA, Calixto N. Trabeculectomia com mitomicina C em pacientes com glaucoma congênito refratário. Arq Bras Oftalmol. No prelo 2004. e) Theses, Dissertations and Monographs: Busato CR. Prevalência de portadores de Staphylococcus aureus multirresistentes em contatos domiciliares de profissionais de saúde [dissertação]. Curitiba (PR): Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde; 1997. f) Resolutions and Laws: Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Assistência à Saúde. Portaria n° 212, de 11 de maio de 1999. Altera a AIH e inclui o campo IH. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, p. 61. Brasil. Lei n° 9.431, de 6 de janeiro de 1997. Decreta a obrigatoriedade do Programa de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar em todos os hospitais brasileiros. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, p. 165, 7 jan. 1997. Seção 1. g) Internet and other electronic resources: Feiz V, Mannis MJ. Intraocular lens power calculation after corneal refractive surgery. Curr Opin Ophthalmol [Internet]. 2004 Aug [cited 2004 Aug 12];15(4):[about 8 p.]. Available at: abstract.00055735-200408000-00011.htm. Lucena AR, Velasco e Cruz AA, Cavalcante R. Estudo epidemiológico do tracoma em comunidade da Chapada do Araripe - Pernambuco Brasil. Arq Bras Oftalmol [Internet]. 2004 mar-abr [citado 2004 jul 12];67(2):197-200. Disponível em: h) Annals of congresses: Marcondes E. Visão geral da adolescência. Anais do 21° Congresso Brasileiro de Pediatria; 1979 out 6-12; Brasília. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatra; 1979. p. 267-75. i) Work presented in event published in a journal: Ohnishi MDO, Ventura AMRS, Libonati RF, Souza JM. O pulmão na malária vivax: relato de caso. In: 44° Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2° Encontro de Medicina Tropical do Cone Sul e 3° Encontro de Medicina Tropical dos Países de Língua Portuguesa; 2008 Mar 4-7; Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical; 2008. p. 215. (Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical; vol. 41; supl. 1). ANNEXES When necessary, the annexes must be placed separately, at the end of the article, with an indication in the text. ILLUSTRATIONS Every figure must be submitted in a separate page, in the end of the article. The figures must be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text; they must have a brief title and their legends (if any). Tables: The tables should complement, and not repeat the text. We recommend that the Normas de Apresentação Tabular of the Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) be followed in this matter. All explanations must be presented in the Table's legends (footnotes), and not in its title – they must be identified by the following symbols, in order: * , † , ‡ , § , || , ¶ , ** , †† , ‡‡. The tables should not contain underlines, and spaces must not be used to separate columns. Figures: Up to four figures will be accepted for publication; they can be colored or in black and white. In case the author understands a certain figure must be kept outnumbering the limit of images, a special contact with the editors of the Journal is necessary. Photographs, maps or graphs must be annexed in .jpg, .bmp, or .tif files, and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in order to enable a clear impression; in its electronic version, their resolution will be reduced to 72 dpi. Computer-generated images, such as graphs or schemes, must be annexed in .psd, .cdr, .doc files (when structured in MS Word), or .xls files. Drawings, photographs or any illustration that has been previously scanned may not present a good resolution for printing, so it is advisable that they be sent in their original printed version. In these cases, on the verse of each figure, there must be a label with its number. The Editorial Board has the right to configure the material in the most economical way, as long as the resulting configuration does not jeopardize its presentation. The authors are welcome to send illustrations with legends of their manuscripts which can be selected to compose the front cover of the journal. UNITS Units must follow the International System of Units (IS) nomenclature, available at SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms up to three letters long must be written in upper case letters (e.g. DOU; USP; WHO). In their first appearance in the text, unknown acronyms must be written in full and have its respective form stated between parentheses. Acronyms and abbreviations exclusively composed of consonants will be written in upper case letters. Acronyms of four letters or more must be written in upper case if each of their letters is pronounced isolatedly (e.g. IBGE, INSS, BNDES). Acronyms of four letters or more that include vowels and consonants and that can be pronounced as a word must have its initial in upper case, only (e.g. Sebrae; Camex; Funasa). Acronyms that include upper case and lower case letters originally, as a way to differentiate them from other acronyms, must be written in their original form (e.g. MTb; CNPq; UnB). Acronyms in foreign languages should be written in its Portuguese way, if their translated version is widely accepted; or they may be written in their original form, if there is no corresponding translation – even if their full name does not correspond to the acronym provided (e.g. ILO = International Labour Organization; UNESCO = Union Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; MRPII = Manufacturing Resource Planning). Some acronyms, because of their dissemination through means of communications, acquire a meaning that goes beyond their representation; AIDS can be mentioned as an example. In Portuguese, its translation is SIDA = Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida. However, the National Council for AIDS (Conselho Nacional de Aids), linked to the Ministry of Heath, recommends that all the official documents about the syndrome bring the acronym as if it were the name of the disease, therefore in lower case letters (aids), due to its vulgarization. |
The manuscripts may be sent by two means: Electronically: Manuscripts should be submitted to the Journal on-line at Regular mail service: The files should be stored in a CD-ROM and sent to the following address: To Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde P.S. It is strongly recommended that the authors keep a copy of all the material sent, since the original version will not be returned. |
All papers submitted to the Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde are subject to a review and approval process called peer review. Each submitted article is directed to the Associated Editors, who review it to check its accordance with the minimum requirements for publication and to see if the paper obeys all the Journal's submission guidelines. Next, the Board sends the article to two members of the Editorial Board, called referees, who are experts in the pertinent area. In case they are unable to review the manuscript, the Board selects two ad hoc reviewers. The reviewers must never be from the same institution as the article's, and their identity remain unknown for the authors during the whole process. After receiving the reviews, the Editorial Board decides if the paper should be accepted, refused, or if it must be sent back to the author with suggestions for modifications. An article may be sent back to the author several times for elucidation, and, at any time may be refused by the Editorial Board, which has the authority to make the final judgment. Once the paper has been accepted for publication, the Journal's Editorial Board will require from the main author to send: • a declaration signed by all authors, in which they authorize the publication by the editorial production of the Journal. Authors from different countries or different institutions may sign different sheets of paper with the same declaration upon them; • a declaration signed by both the owner(s) of the copyrights of images or videos to be published and the characters shown in those images or videos, in which they authorize their publication by the editorial production of the journal. Proof sheet: Proof sheets will be sent to the author(s) for correction of printing errors. The proof sheets must return to the Editorial Staff until the established date. Other alterations in the original manuscripts will not be accepted in this stage. FURTHER INFORMATION For further
information, contact us by |
© 2022 Instituto Evandro Chagas / Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente / Ministério da Saúde
InInstituto Evandro Chagas/SCTIE/MS
Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde
Rodovia BR-316 km 7 s/n - Levilândia
67030-000 - Ananindeua - Pará - Brasil
Phone #: +55 (91) 3214-2185