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vol.20 número2Erros inatos do metabolismo: revisão de literaturaCarcinoma hepatocalular em portador do vírus inativo da hepatite b índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Paraense de Medicina

versão impressa ISSN 0101-5907


SILVA, Eliana Lago. Oral eleterius habits. Rev. Para. Med. [online]. 2006, vol.20, n.2, pp.47-50. ISSN 0101-5907.

OBJECTIVE: Identify oral deleterius habits. METHOD: it was realized literature revision about the subject. DISCUSSION: the majority of the authors agree that to occur maloclusion presence it is necessaary: intensity, long duration and genetics probabilities. CONCLUSION: oral deleterius habits need a multidisciplinar vision in the therapeutic approach including not only mecanic control but also psychology control to improve quality assistance.

Palavras-chave : hábitos bucais; sucção não-nutritiva.

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