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Revista Paraense de Medicina
versão impressa ISSN 0101-5907
ARAUJO, Eliete da Cunha; SOARES, Manoel do Carmo Pereira; CARDOSO, Vitória Carvalho e SILVEIRA, Daniela Maria Raulino da. Acute hepatitis B in pregnant woman - case report. Rev. Para. Med. [online]. 2006, vol.20, n.3, pp.55-58. ISSN 0101-5907.
OBJECTIVE: report a case of Hepatite B in pregnant woman, for probable sexual transmission. CASE REPORT : J.N.L, 23 years, brunette skin , resident and coming from Belém, pregnant of 4 months, professional of the health, was admitted at the maternity of the Fundation Santa Casa of Mercy of Para (FSCMPA) for presenting acute infection for the virus of the hepatitis B (positive HbsAg; Anti-HBc positive IgM; Anti-HBc positive Total; Anti-HAV negative IgM; Negative Anti-HCV). After the pacient had been at hospital for 15 days,she was discharged from hospital with improvement of the clinical state and after that she was in ambulatorial continuation for the GROUP OF THE LIVER of FSCMPA. After almost 10 months of the beginning of the picture, she developed marker compatible sorologic with immunity (Anti HBs). The childbirth happened in 03/01/2005, in FSCMPA, for vaginal way. Newly born term (36 weeks), weight 3400 grams, received vaccine and gamaglobulina hiperimune against hepatitis B inside of the first 12 hours of life, discharge from hospital after 48 hours in good conditions. The clinical accompanying was made and after continuation and after to 2nd dose of the vaccine in 04/02/2005, the infant developed Anti HBs. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the tracement of sorologics markers for the virus of the hepatitis B in the prenatal attendance, makes possible the accomplishment of the prophylaxis of the vertical transmission. Above the newborn baby, more than 80% will develop for the chronic form of the disease, capable to infect new individuals. To extend the application of the vaccine against hepatitis B to the women in fertile age would contribute to the reduction of the vertical transmission and, consequently, for the decrease of the circulation of the virus.
Palavras-chave : Hepatitis B; pregnancy; prophylaxis.