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Revista Paraense de Medicina

versão impressa ISSN 0101-5907


LUSCENTI, Renato Santana  e  GATTI, Luciano Lobo. Molecular diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori infection in the gastric mucosal. Rev. Para. Med. [online]. 2008, vol.22, n.1, pp.21-26. ISSN 0101-5907.

INTRODUCTION: Helicobacter Pylori a bacterium to colonize human gastric mucosa, hás been strongly associated with gastric diseases and gastric cancer. Interactions involving environmental, host and bacterial factors seem to associated with gastric diseases progression and virulences factors like vacuolating cytotoxin (vacA), and Associated Cytotoxin (cagA), has been associated like virulence factors from bacterium. OBJECTIVE: standardization of Molecular Diagnostics of infection by Helicobacter Pylori in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Faculty of Integrated Ourinhos. METHODS: DNA extraction from gastric biopses through the kit Wizarg SV Genomic DNA Purification and Polymerase Chain Reaction using primers that ampliefied especif genes from Helicobacter Pylori. RESULTS: all amplifications were standardized in accordance with the terms used with specific primers for amplification of the gene H. pylori. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the proposed study has achieved its objectives which was the standardization of molecular infection by the bacteria H. pylori in gastric mucosa of infected individuals, thus providing a new tool and extremely sensitive technique to detect infection by the bacteria quickly and accurately

Palavras-chave : Helicobacter Pylori; Molecular Diagnóstic Infection; Gastric Diseases.

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