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Boletim de Pneumologia Sanitária

versión impresa ISSN 0103-460X


NATAL, Sonia; VALENTE, Joaquim; GERHARDT, Germano  y  PENNA, Maria Lucia. Situação bacteriológica dos doentes de tuberculose que abandonaram o tratamento. Bol. Pneumol. Sanit. [online]. 1999, vol.7, n.2, pp.30-37. ISSN 0103-460X.

Nested case-control study within a cohort. The study takes place in Rio de Janeiro, at Raphael de Paula Sousa Hospital, from january to march, 1989. It was included 78 cases (treatment abandonment) and it was sampled 93 controls (cure treatment). The aim of this study it was to detect the bacteriological status in patients that abandoned the tuberculosis treatment at the interview. The patients were interviewed after the treatment outcome. Among the cases were detected 36 patients (46,2%) bacteriology positive, and among these positive cases, 13 (36,1%) were resistant at least one drug. Among the 93 controls, that the treatment outcome had received cure, were detected 11 failures (11,8%), among the failure patients, 8 were resistant at least one drug

Palabras clave : Tuberculosis; Resistance; Abandonment; Failure.

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