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vol.9 número2Sistema de Informações Hospitalares: fonte complementar na vigilância e monitoramento de doenças imunopreveníveisSistema de informações hospitalares fonte complementar na vigilância e monitoramento das doenças de transmissão vetorial índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Informe Epidemiológico do Sus

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1673


MENDES, Antônio da Cruz Gouveia et al. Hospital information system - Complementary source for surveillance and monitoring of water-borne diseases. Inf. Epidemiol. Sus [online]. 2000, vol.9, n.2, pp.111-124. ISSN 0104-1673.

Health Information Systems are important tools for the definition of priorities for the health sector, although they are not used in a systematic way. This paper has as objective to evaluate the potentialities of the Hospital Information System - SIH/SUS as a complementary system for surveillance of notifiable water-borne diseases (typhoid Fever, cholera and leptospirosis). Hospital admittances were related to case reports, for states and regions of the country, from 1984 to 1998. A cross-sectional study was performed, using the SIH/SUS data bases and case reports provided by the National Center of Epidemiology - CENEPI. The results points SIH/ SUS as a complementary source for epidemiologic surveillance, since similar epidemiologic behavior patterns were observed between the SIH/SUS data and those reported by the Notifiable Diseases Information System - SINAN/CENEPI: tendency of reduction of these diseases in the whole country, with a predominance of admittances in the Northeast and North regions; registration of epidemic moments of water-borne infections and a similar graphic distribution of the diseases along time, for both information systems. The disease frequencies found in SIH/SUS, reveal a sanitation policy that favors unequal offer and access for the regions and states of Brazil. Because of the environmental characteristics of the country, the described situation provides a favorable scenery for the appearance of epidemics or the maintenance of these diseases in endemic levels.

Palavras-chave : Hospital Information Systems; Water-borne Diseases; Epidemiologic Surveillance; Monitoring.

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