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vol.11 número3Organização espacial, saúde e qualidade de vida: análise espacial e uso de indicadores na avaliação de situações de saúdeRisco ambiental e contextos vulneráveis: implicações para a vigilância em saúde índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Informe Epidemiológico do Sus

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1673


CONFALONIERI, Ulisses E. C. et al. Global changes and development: health importance. Inf. Epidemiol. Sus [online]. 2002, vol.11, n.3, pp.139-154. ISSN 0104-1673.

In this article we intended to survey the current state of relationships between global environmental changes and health. It includes a revision of the current state of threats of anthropic origin on biodiversity, bringing an ecosystem approach as a field of research for the improvement of quality of life. Global environmental changes affect human health directly or indirectly, locally or regionally. Alterations in the chemistry of the atmosphere, climate changes, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, urbanization and major development sites, shortage of water and chemical pollutants constitute driving forces that can have severe consequences for human well-being and health as well as, its survival. The importance of these changes for human health will depend on how populations may be affected in the future, the severity and magnitude of the impact, the possibility of biological adaptations, and the availability of strategies to mitigate and control. Several programs have been developed around the world. However, the Brazilian scientific and institutional agenda needs to move forward in conceptual models that include aspects related to global environmental changes, searching for models of sustainable development, and creating mechanisms that interrupt the loss of biodiversity, minimize the use of pollutants, establish awareness programs concerning the exhaustion of renewable natural resources.

Palavras-chave : Global Changes; Ecosystem Health; Environmental Health Risks; Human Health; Brazil.

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