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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde
versão impressa ISSN 1679-4974versão On-line ISSN 2237-9622
MALTA, Deborah Carvalho et al. Building surveillance and prevention for chronic non communicable diseases in the national Unified Health System. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2006, vol.15, n.3, pp.47-65. ISSN 1679-4974.
Brazil, following the world's trend, has been going through processes of demographic, epidemiological and nutritional transitions since the sixties, causing changes in the patterns of pathologic emergences, as a meaningful increase in the prevalence of chronic non-transmitted diseases (DCNT). Aiming to give a response to this challenge scene, the Brazilian Ministry of Health organized the DCNT surveillance. This article accomplishes a revision of the main actions implanting the national system of surveillance and prevention of DCNT. The main strategies put on action were: organizing an specific area in the Ministry of Health's Surveillance Secretariat, the Non-Transmitted Diseases and Agravations General Coordination (DANT); DANT surveillance induction in State and Municipality Health Secretariats, definition of monitoring indicators of these actions for the Integrated Programmed Pactuation (PPI) of health surveillance; human resource training; realization of inquiry to know the prevalence of risk factors in 15 State Capitals, and the Federal Capital, in 2003; establishing a base line to monitoring; definition of standard indicators to monitoring diseases and risk factors; advocacy along health management, showing the DCNT like a priority subject for the National Unified Health System (SUS); support for researchs to broaden the knowledge of the problem, and define strategies to conduce them; and realization of a national seminar for pactuation of the agenda of priorities in this area.
Palavras-chave : chronic non-transmitted diseases surveillance; non-transmitted diseases; risk factors.