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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde

Print version ISSN 1679-4974On-line version ISSN 2237-9622


ARAUJO, Francisco Anilton Alves et al. Epizootics in nonhuman primates during reemergence of yellow fever virus in Brazil, 2007 to 2009. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2011, vol.20, n.4, pp.527-536. ISSN 1679-4974.

OBJECTIVE: to describe and analyze the change in the epidemiological profile of sylvatic yellow fever - whose cases began to occur outside the Amazon region, in Brazil - from 1999, when the detection of the virus in primates has led to the timely implementation of new surveillance measures. METHODOLOGY: this study is a descriptive analysis of epizootics in primates notified to the Ministry of Health between 2007 and 2009; data were captured using the Epizootic Notification Form of the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sinan) and daily reporting spreadsheet. RESULTS: from 1,971 epizootics reported during the period, 73 occurred in 2007, 1,050 in 2008, and 848 in 2009; and 209 (10.6%) were confirmed for yellow fever; these epizootics have been registered in 520 municipalities of 19 states. CONCLUSION: the information discussed herein is fundamentalfor improving the surveillance and consolidating the notification of epizootics in primates, as a tool for preventing human cases of the disease.

Keywords : epizootic; yellow fever; nonhuman primates.

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