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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde

versão impressa ISSN 1679-4974versão On-line ISSN 2337-9622


BRAZ, Rui Moreira; DOMINGUES, Carla Magda Allan S.; TEIXEIRA, Antônia Maria da Silva  e  LUNA, Expedito José de Albuquerque. Classification of transmission risk of vaccine-preventable diseases based on vaccination indicators in Brazilian municipalities. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2016, vol.25, n.4, pp.745-754. ISSN 1679-4974.


to describe the transmission risk classification of vaccine-preventable diseases in Brazilian municipalities.


this was a descriptive epidemiologic study using 2014 data of the Brazilian National Immunization Program Information System; the vaccine coverage indicators were used to classify the transmission risk of vaccine-preventable diseases in the municipalities.


of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, 12.0% were classified as very low risk, 29.6% as low risk, 2.2% as medium risk, 54.3% as high risk and 1.8% as very high risk.


the vaccination coverage surveillance allowed to identify most of the municipalities in high risk situation and the minority of children living in municipalities with appropriate coverage; the vaccination coverage surveillance using indicators of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) is a new tool for identifying priority areas where the actions can be more successful for health managers and improve the quality and the success of the immunizations program.

Palavras-chave : Immunization Coverage; Surveillance; Monitoring; Risk Management; Epidemiology, Descriptive.

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