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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde
versión impresa ISSN 1679-4974versión On-line ISSN 2337-9622
CALVO, Maria Cristina Marino et al. Municipalities Stratification for Health Performance Evaluation. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2016, vol.25, n.4, pp.767-776. ISSN 1679-4974.
to propose and present a stratification of Brazilian municipalities into homogeneous groups for evaluation studies of health management performance.
this was a methodological study, with selected indicators which classify municipalities according to conditions that influence the health management and population size; data for the year 2010 were collected from demographic and health databases; correlation tests and factor analysis were used.
seven strata were identified - Large-sized; Medium-sized with favorable, regular or unfavorable influences; and Small-sized with favorable, regular or unfavorable influences -; there was a concentration of municipalities with favorable influences in strata with better purchasing power and funding, as well as a concentration of municipalities with unfavorable influences in the North and Northeast regions.
the proposed classification grouped similar municipalities regarding influential factors in health management, which allowed the identification of comparable groups of municipalities, setting up a consistent alternative to performance evaluation studies.
Palabras clave : Health Evaluation; Health Management; Research; Methodology.