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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde

versión impresa ISSN 1679-4974versión On-line ISSN 2237-9622


LOPES, Aloísio Sabino; PASSOS, Valéria Maria de Azeredo; SOUZA, Maria de Fatima Marinho de  y  CASCAO, Angela Maria. Improvement of data quality on the underlying cause of death from external causes using Health, Public Security and Press sector database linkage in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2014. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.4, e2018058.  Epub 16-Nov-2018. ISSN 1679-4974.


to describe improvement of the quality of data on the underlying cause of death from external causes, after performing Health, Public Security and Press sector database linkage in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2014.


deterministic data linkage on deaths from external causes of undetermined intent and deaths from undetermined natural causes held on the Mortality Information System (SIM), Forensic Institute, Civil Police, Urgent Mobile Care Service (SAMU) and press databases.


of the 13,916 deaths from external causes, deaths from causes of undetermined intent were reduced from 5,836 (41.9%) to 958 (6.9%); while 222 (10.7%) of the 2,069 deaths from undetermined natural causes were reclassified to external causes; there was an increase in mortality due to traffic accidents (93.0%), assault (71.6%), legal intervention (744.7%), intentional self-harm (112%) and other accidents (29.9%).


there was an improvement in the quality of the information by type of underlying cause of death from external causes, using a strategy that can be reproduced by other services.

Palabras clave : Mortality Registries; External Causes; Underlying Cause of Death; Quality Control; Information Systems.

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