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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde
versión impresa ISSN 1679-4974versión On-line ISSN 2237-9622
FERNANDES, Camila Mariano y BOING, Alexandra Crispim. Pedestrian mortality in road traffic accidents in Brazil: time trend analysis, 1996-2015. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.1, e2018079. Epub 08-Abr-2019. ISSN 1679-4974.
to analyze the mortality coefficient trend for road traffic accidents involving pedestrians in Brazil, by sex, age range and macro-region, between 1996 and 2015.
this was an ecological time series study using data from the Ministry of Health’s Mortality Information System (SIM); Prais-Winstein generalized linear regression was used to calculate annual percentage change.
pedestrian deaths corresponded to 26.5% of deaths due to road traffic accidents; mortality among pedestrians decreased 63.2% in the country as a whole, with the standardized coefficient varying between 8.9 to 3.3 per 100,000 inhabitants, although the decrease in the country’s North and the Northeast regions was slower than the national average; being run over was significantly higher among men and the elderly.
although mortality among pedestrians is decreasing in all regions of the country, current figures still account for a large part of road traffic mortality.
Palabras clave : Accidents, Traffic; Pedestrians; Mortality; Time Series Studies.