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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde
versión impresa ISSN 1679-4974versión On-line ISSN 2237-9622
NUNES, Patrícia Silva et al. Temporal trend and spatial distribution of syphilis in pregnancy and congenital syphilis in Goiás, Brazil, 2007-2017: an ecological study. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2021, vol.30, n.1, e2019371. Epub 14-Ene-2021. ISSN 1679-4974.
To analyze temporal trend and spatial distribution of syphilis in pregnancy and congenital syphilis in Goiás State, Brazil, between 2007 and 2017.
This was an ecological time series and spatial distribution study with data obtained from the Notifiable Health Conditions Information System. Prais-Winsten Regression was used to analyze indicator trends by health macro-region. Descriptive spatial analysis was performed to verify case distribution in three different years in the period.
Between 2007 and 2017, 7,679 cases of syphilis in pregnancy and 1,554 congenital syphilis cases were reported. A rising trend was found in the rates of syphilis in pregnancy (annual percent change [APC] = 18.0 – 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 15.3;20.8) as well as in congenital syphilis rates (APC=16.8 – 95%CI 20.1;33.8); and a 326% increase in the number of municipalities with a congenital syphilis incidence rate >0.5/1,000 live births.
Growth in syphilis in pregnancy and congenital syphilis detection rates was identified, as was growth in the number of municipalities reporting cases.
Palabras clave : Syphilis; Syphilis, Congenital; Pregnant Women; Time Series Studies; Geographic Mapping.