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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde
versión impresa ISSN 1679-4974versión On-line ISSN 2237-9622
LOCH, Mathias Roberto; LEMOS, Emmanuelly Correia de; JAIME, Patrícia Constante y RECH, Cassiano Ricardo. Development and validation of an instrument to evaluate interventions in relation to Health Promotion principles. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2021, vol.30, n.3, e2020627. Epub 28-Jun-2021. ISSN 1679-4974.
To develop and validate of an instrument to evaluate interventions in relation to Health Promotion principles in Brazil.
A cross-sectional study of the development and validation of an instrument was carried out, based on the assessment of the first version by 20 health workers, the final version by 19, analysis of reliability by 31, and content evaluation of the first version by ten experts and of the final version by 12 experts. The content validity index, Cronbach’s alpha (α) and intraclass correlation coefficient were used.
The indicators achieved 89.9% adequacy, 82.5% clarity, internal consistency was α = 0.80, and the test-retest correlation was 0.93.
The instrument showed acceptable validity and reliability and can be used for the evaluation of Health Promotion interventions.
Palabras clave : Health Promotion; Validity Studies; Surveys and Questionnaires; Health Care Models.