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Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde

versión impresa ISSN 1679-4974versión On-line ISSN 2237-9622


SILVA, Fabiana Medeiros de Almeida  y  SAFONS, Marisete Peralta. Mortality from falls in the elderly in the Federal District, Brazil: characteristics and time trend, 1996-2017. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.1, e2021681.  Epub 11-Mar-2022. ISSN 1679-4974.


To describe and analyze the temporal trend of deaths from falls in the elderly in the Federal District, Brazil, between 1996 and 2017.


This was a descriptive study based on data on deaths from falls held on the Mortality Information System, part of the database of the Information Technology Department of the Brazilian National Health System. Demographic, socioeconomic, type of fall and place of death variables were investigated. Segmented linear regression was performed to analyze annual percent change (APC), adopting p≤0.05.


Data from 2,828 deaths from falls in the elderly were analyzed (54.2% women; 45.8% men). There was an increase in mortality from falls in the elderly aged 80 years and over (APC 3.0; p<0.001).


There was an increasing trend of mortality from falls in the elderly aged 80 years and over. Strategies are needed to reduce deaths from falls, especially among older elderly people.

Palabras clave : Accidental Falls; Aged; Mortality Registries; Epidemiology, Descriptive.

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