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Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde

versión impresa ISSN 2176-6215versión On-line ISSN 2176-6223


BARBOSA, Sheyla Fernanda da Costa et al. Epidemiological aspects leukemia and lymphoma cases in young adults attending in a reference hospital for cancer in Belém, Pará State, Brazilian Amazon. Rev Pan-Amaz Saude [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.3, pp.43-50. ISSN 2176-6215.

Lymphomas and other lymphoproliferative disorders represent an important part among the causes of population mortality by malignant neoplasms in Brazil and worldwide. This study described the epidemiological profile of patients with lymphoproliferative diseases treated at a high complexity center in oncology (CACON) in Belém, Pará State. It was carried out record analysis of patients with lymphoproliferative diseases treated at CACON between 2005 and 2011, over 15 years old, both sexes, with a diagnosis of lymphoproliferative diseases such as Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), non-Hodking lymphoma (NHL) and chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) and acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL). This study evaluated 364 records, of which 42% were cases of NHL, 25% of LH, 17.9% of ALL and 14% of LLC in people with an average age of 49.4; 32.6; 33.8; and 65 years old, respectively. Regarding the household, 56% lived in the metropolitan area of Belém and agriculture was the most frequently mentioned occupation (19.2%) by patients. The results of this study indicate that there is a need to clarify the diagnosis of patients with lymphoproliferative diseases in order to improve the medical assistance to cancer patients. In addition, the number of patients with lymphoproliferative diseases who reported exerting activities on agriculture raises the need for investigation of a possible occupational exposure to carcinogens.

Palabras clave : Health Profile; Neoplasms; Lymphoma; Leukemia.

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