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Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde

Print version ISSN 2176-6223On-line version ISSN 2176-6223


SANTOS, Emerson Glauber Abreu dos et al. Clinical and epidemiological profile of the elderly undergoing anti-neoplasic chemotherapy attended in a oncology reference hospital of Pará State, Brazil. Rev Pan-Amaz Saude [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.2, pp.45-54. ISSN 2176-6223.


To describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of elderly patients undergoing anti-neoplasic chemotherapy treatment, as outpatients of a reference hospital of Pará State, Brazil.


A cross-sectional study involving 200 elderly people was performed from April to October, 2015. A socioeconomic and clinical questionnaire was applied and statistical analyses were done afterwards.


The prevalence was 60-80 years old (83.5%); no gender predominance; low schooling - 82.5% of the participants had finished the elementary school; low family income, from them 79.5% had a family income less than three minimum wages, and 87.5% participating actively in family income; and 57.0% were married or were in stable union. The most common cancer type was breast cancer (26.5%), followed by prostate cancer (17.0%); and the most prevalent anti-neoplasic or adjuvant treatments were bisphosphonate and alkylating agent.


This study demonstrated the elderly patients profile receiving anti-neoplasic treatment at an oncological reference unit in the North of Brazil, predominating individuals with other comorbidities besides neoplasm, which increases the risks of complications and adverse reactions related to the chemotherapy.

Keywords : Elderly; Drug Therapy; Health Profile; Medical Oncology; Antineoplastic Agents.

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