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vol.9 número1Evaluación microbiológica de coco (Cocos nucifera) rallado comercializado en ferias libres del municipio de Belém, estado de Pará, BrasilEvaluación de prenatal con relación a la detección de sífilis y VIH en gestantes atendidas en un área rural del estado de Pará, Brasil índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde

versión impresa ISSN 2176-6215versión On-line ISSN 2176-6223


COELHO, Jaciana Lima et al. The importance of university extension actions in the prevention of infections and diseases associated with the human T-lymphotropic virus. Rev Pan-Amaz Saude [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.1, pp.25-31. ISSN 2176-6215.


To describe the results of the epidemiological investigation of human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection and to emphasize the importance of university extension actions in the prevention of this infection and associated diseases in Belém, Pará State, Brazil.


In university extension actions carried out from August 2015 to July 2016, 524 people were investigated in a university area and in a public space in Belém. Cases identified with anti-HTLV-1/2 antibodies were submitted to DNA provirus research by nested PCR and invited to perform clinical and laboratory evaluation and research with the patient’s family.


Anti-HTLV-1/2 antibody was observed in 15.3% (80/524) of the investigated patients, corresponding to 58.0% (58/100) of the cases referred to the university area, 20.5% (15/73) of the relatives of virus carriers, and 2.1% (7/341) of those investigated in the public space. HTLV-1 infection was observed in 35.0% (35/100) of the cases referred to the university area, 13.7% (10/73) of the relatives, and 1.5% (5/341) of the cases in the public space. HTLV-2 infection was confirmed in 11.0% (11/100) of the cases referred to the university area, 2.7% (2/73) of the relatives and 0.6% (2/341) of the public space. The frequency of infection was significant among women (18.6%, p = 0.0146) and transfused (27.6%, p = 0.0021).


The high prevalence of HTLV infection observed in this study justifies the necessity for programs and actions aimed at the investigation of the virus carriers in the region. Results from a larger study may support the creation of regionalized actions of clinical management and rehabilitation of patients.

Palabras clave : HTLV-1 Infections; HTLV-2 Infections; Health Education; Prevalence.

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