| Table of contents Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde vol.28 no.2 Brasília June 2019 Editorial | | | | · Vacina Brasil Movement and immunization training and development strategies Domingues, Carla Magda Allan Santos; Fantinato, Francielli Fontana Sutile Tardetti; Duarte, Elisete; Garcia, Leila Posenato
| | | Original articles | | | | · Human rabies in Brazil: a descriptive study, 2000-2017 Vargas, Alexander; Romano, Alessandro Pecego Martins; Merchán-Hamann, Edgar
| | | | · Association between treatment outcome, sociodemographic characteristics and social benefits received by individuals with tuberculosis in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 2014-2016 Andrade, Kaio Vinicius Freitas de; Nery, Joilda Silva; Araújo, Gleide Santos de; Barreto, Mauricio Lima; Pereira, Susan Martins
| | | | · Organization of health services for tuberculosis case diagnosis and treatment in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 2014 Sacramento, Daniel Souza; Lavor, Débora Cristina Brasil da Silva; Oliveira, Laura Raquel Teixeira de; Gomes, Adriana Patrícia Brelaz Lopes; Gonçalves, Maria Jacirema Ferreira
| | | | · Maternal deaths and deaths of women of childbearing age in the indigenous population, Pernambuco, Brazil, 2006-2012 Estima, Nathalie Mendes; Alves, Sandra Valongueiro
| | | | · Evaluation of the Results Control, Monitoring and Evaluation System (e-Car system) Implementation at the Health Surveillance Secretariat, Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2012-2015 Ubarana, Juliana Amorim; Cruz, Marly Marques da; Vitorino, Santuzza Arreguy Silva
| | | | · Prevalence of practice of bullying reported by Brazilian students: data from the National School Health Survey, 2015 Silva, Jorge Luiz da; Oliveira, Wanderlei Abadio de; Mello, Flávia Carvalho de Malta; Prado, Rogério Ruscitto do; Silva, Marta Angélica Iossi; Malta, Deborah Carvalho
| | | | · Family Health Support Center: health promotion, physical activity, and chronic diseases in Brazil - national PMAQ survey 2013 Seus, Thamires Lorenzet Cunha; Silveira, Denise Silva da; Tomasi, Elaine; Thumé, Elaine; Facchini, Luiz Augusto; Siqueira, Fernando Vinholes
| | | | · Target therapy versus dacarbazine in first-line treatment of advanced non-surgical and metastatic melanoma: budget impact analysis from the perspective of the Brazilian National Health System, 2018-2020 Corrêa, Flávia de Miranda; Guerra, Renata Leborato; Fernandes, Ricardo Ribeiro Alves; Souza, Mirian Carvalho de; Zimmermann, Ivan Ricardo
| | | | · Trend of incompleteness of vital statistics in the neonatal period, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999-2014 Lino, Renata Rodrigues Garcia; Fonseca, Sandra Costa; Kale, Pauline Lorena; Flores, Patrícia Viana Guimarães; Pinheiro, Rejane Sobrino; Coeli, Cláudia Medina
| | | | · Evaluation of the quality of oral health care in Primary Health Care in Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014 Viana, Italene Barros; Moreira, Rafael da Silveira; Martelli, Petrônio José de Lima; Oliveira, André Luiz Sá de; Monteiro, Ive da Silva
| | | | · Noncommunicable diseases among nursing professionals at a charitable hospital in Southern Brazil Domingues, Jaqueline Gonçalves; Silva, Bianca Barbieri Correa da; Bierhals, Isabel Oliveira; Barros, Fernando Celso
| | | | · Food intake and underweight markers in children under 6 months old monitored via the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, Brazil, 2015 Gonçalves, Vivian Siqueira Santos; Silva, Sara Araújo; Andrade, Rafaella Costa Santin de; Spaniol, Ana Maria; Nilson, Eduardo Augusto Fernandes; Moura, Iracema Ferreira de
| | | | · Evaluation of the Program to Combat Neglected Diseases in controlling schistosomiasis mansoni in three hyperendemic municipalities, Pernambuco, Brazil, 2014 Dubeux, Luciana Santos; Jesus, Renata Patrícia Freitas Soares de; Samico, Isabella; Mendes, Marina Ferreira de Medeiros; Wanderley, Flávia Silvestre Outtes; Tomasi, Elaine; Nunes, Bruno Pereira; Facchini, Luiz Augusto
| | | | · Norovirus in São Paulo city, Brazil, 2010-2016: a cross-sectional study of the leading cause of gastroenteritis in children Kamioka, Gabriela Akemi; Madalosso, Geraldine; Pavanello, Eliana Izabel; Sousa, Sonia Cristina Zeferino de; Bassit, Nídia Pimenta; Sato, Ana Paula Sayuri
| | | | · First choice for use of health services by the adult population of the Federal District, Brazil, 2015: a cross-sectional study Poças, Kátia Crestine; Perillo, Rosângela Durso; Bernal, Regina Tomie Ivata; Malta, Deborah Carvalho; Duarte, Elisabeth Carmen
| | | | · Accuracy of self-reported systemic arterial hypertension in adults, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil Melo, Cleuciane Lima de; Amaral, Thatiana Lameira Maciel; Amaral, Cledir de Araújo; Vasconcellos, Maurício Teixeira Leite de; Monteiro, Gina Torres Rego
| | | | · Human leptospirosis in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2007-2013: characterization of confirmed cases and spatial distribution Magalhães, Vivyanne Santiago; Acosta, Lisiane Morelia Weide
| | | | · Factors associated with non-use of condoms and prevalence of HIV, viral hepatitis B and C and syphilis: a cross-sectional study in rural communities in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2014-2016 Barbosa, Keila Furbino; Batista, Aline Priscila; Nacife, Maria Beatriz Pena Silva Leite; Vianna, Valeska Natiely; Oliveira, Wandeir Wagner de; Machado, Elaine Leandro; Marinho, Carolina Coimbra; Machado-Coelho, George Luiz Lins
| | | Profile of National Health Database | | | | · Special Tuberculosis Treatment Information System (SITE-TB) in Brazil: background, description and perspectives Bartholomay, Patricia; Pinheiro, Rejane Sobrino; Pelissari, Daniele Maria; Arakaki-Sanchez, Denise; Dockhorn, Fernanda; Rocha, Jorge Luiz; Penna, Estefania Quilma Andrade de Araújo; Barreira, Draurio; Araújo, Wildo Navegantes de; Dalcolmo, Margareth
| | | Erratum | | | | · ERRATUM
| | | | · Erratum
| | | Ferramentas para a gestão da vigilância em saúde | | | | · csapAIH Package: The Brazilian List of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in R Nedel, Fúlvio Borges
| | | Narrative Revision | | | | · Expansion of Zika virus circulation from Africa to the Americas, 1947-2018: a literature review Sampaio, Gilmara de Souza; Brites, Carlos; Drexler, Jan Felix; Moreira-Soto, Andres; Miranda, Fernanda; Martins Netto, Eduardo
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