| Table of contents Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde vol.32 no.1 Brasília 2023 Editorial | | | | · Mental suffering and the Brazilian National Health System
| | | Original articles | | | | · Influence of socioeconomic inequality on the distribution of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in Brazilian municipalities, 2020: an ecological study Silva, Gabriela Drummond Marques da; Souza, Anelise Andrade de; Castro, Mônica Silva Monteiro de; Miranda, Wanessa Debôrtoli de; Jardim, Leticia Lemos; Sousa, Rômulo Paes de
| | | | · Characteristics of intimate partner violence in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, 2009-2018 Santos, Jacqueline dos; Carmo, Cleber Nascimento do
| | | | · Prevalence of sexual initiation and associated factors in school adolescents in Piauí, Brazil, 2015 Castro, Lucélia da Cunha; Viana, Vera Alice Oliveira; Rufino, Andréa Cronemberger; Madeiro, Alberto Pereira
| | | | · Completeness of notifications of accidents involving venomous animals in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases: a descriptive study, Brazil, 2007-2019 Brito, Mariana; Almeida, Ana Caroline Caldas de; Cavalcante, Franciana; Mise, Yukari Figueroa
| | | | · Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) coverage, nutritional status of older adults and its relationship with social inequalities in Brazil, 2008-2019: an ecological time-series study Barbosa, Brena Barreto; Baltar, Valéria Troncoso; Horta, Rogério Lessa; Lobato, Jackeline Christiane Pinto; Vieira, Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza; Gallo, Caroline de Oliveira; Carioca, Antonio Augusto Ferreira
| | | | · Inequalities in the use of health services in a municipality in Southern Brazil in 2019: a cross-sectional study Quadra, Micaela Rabelo; Shäfer, Antônio Augusto; Meller, Fernanda de Oliveira
| | | | · Characterization and completeness of notification sheet of violence against the older adults in Niterói-RJ, 2011-2020 Lima, Vinicius Mendes da Fonseca; Stochero, Luciane; Azeredo, Catarina Machado; Moraes, Claudia Leite de; Hasselmann, Maria Helena; Marques, Emanuele Souza
| | | | · Frequency and factors associated with delay in breast cancer treatment in Brazil, according to data from the Oncology Panel, 2019-2020 Nogueira, Mário Círio; Atty, Adriana Tavares de Moraes; Tomazelli, Jeane; Jardim, Beatriz Cordeiro; Bustamante-Teixeira, Maria Teresa; Azevedo e Silva, Gulnar
| | | | · Use of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia in the Brazilian National Health System: a cohort study, 2008-2017 Fulone, Izabela; Silva, Marcus Tolentino; Lopes, Luciane Cruz
| | | | · Prevalence of ideal cardiovascular health in the Brazilian adult population - National Health Survey 2019 Motta, Ana Carolina Souto Valente; Bousquet-Santos, Kelb; Motoki, Isabela Harumi Lopes; Andrade, Joanlise Marco De Leon
| | | | · Spatial patterns and epidemiological characterization of suicides in the Chapecó micro-region, Santa Catarina, Brazil: an ecological study, 1996-2018 Bando, Daniel Hideki; Rodrigues, Lucas Azeredo; Biesek, Laura Lange; Luchini Junior, Deoclécio; Barbato, Paulo Roberto; Fonsêca, Graciela Soares; Friestino, Jane Kelly Oliveira
| | | | · The covid-19 pandemic and hospital morbidity due to mental and behavioral disorders in Brazil: an interrupted time series analysis, from January 2008 to July 2021 Carvalho, Carolina Novaes; Fortes, Sandra; Castro, André Peres Barbosa de; Cortez-Escalante, Juan; Rocha, Thiago Augusto Hernandes
| | | | · Trend of incompleteness of maternal schooling and race/skin color variables held on the Brazilian Live Birth Information System, 2012-2020 Santana, Bárbara Estevam Ferreira; Andrade, Amanda Cristina de Souza; Muraro, Ana Paula
| | | | · Common mental disorders in Primary Health Care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic period: a cross-sectional study in the Northern health macro-region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, 2021 Oliveira, Fabrício Emanuel Soares de; Trezena, Samuel; Dias, Verônica Oliveira; Martelli Júnior, Hercílio; Martelli, Daniella Reis Barbosa
| | | Research notes | | | | · Pediatric dentistry procedures performed within the Brazilian National Health System in the state of Rio Grande do Sul before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: difference between the years 2018 and 2021 Motta, Hellen Monique da; Valença, Lara Emmile Evangelista; Fernandes, Luiza Helena de Souza; Martins, Rafaela Corrêa; Sartori, Letícia Regina Morello; Karam, Sarah Arangurem
| | | | · Hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use in Brazil and regions: a temporal trend analysis, 2010-2020 Oliveira, Renata Savian Colvero de; Matias, Jéssica Campos; Fernandes, Carlos Alexandre Ortiz Raifone; Gavioli, Aroldo; Marangoni, Sônia Regina; Assis, Fátima Büchele
| | | Opinion article | | | | · Monkeypox: context, implications and challenges for health services and surveillance Macedo, Laylla Ribeiro; Maciel, Ethel Leonor Noia
| | | | · Time and memory in time series analysis Andrade, Flávia Reis de; Antunes, José Leopoldo Ferreira
| | | | · Mental Health in Brazil: challenges for building care policies and monitoring determinants Araújo, Tânia Maria de; Torrenté, Mônica de Oliveira Nunes de
| | | Letter | | | | · Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of mpox cases: correspondence Mungmunpuntipantip, Rujittika; Wiwanitkit, Viroj
| | | | · Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of mpox cases: reply Pascom, Ana Roberta; Souza, Isabella Nepomuceno de; Krummenauer, Amanda; Duarte, Magda Machado Saraiva; Sallas, Janaina; Rohlfs, Daniela Buosi; Pereira, Gerson Mendes; Medeiros, Arnaldo Correia de; Miranda, Angelica Espinosa
| | | Acknowledgement | | | | · Message of Acknowledgement
| | | Erratum | | | | · ERRATUM
| | | | · Erratum
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