| Table of contents Rev Pan-Amaz Saude vol.3 no.3 Ananindeua Sept. 2012 Editorial | | | | · The perpetuation of mistakes Corrêa, Dóris Angélica de Siqueira
| | | Original articles | | | | · Identification of rotavirus G and P genotypes in nursing and weaned piglets in the metropolitan region of Belém, Pará State, Northern Brazil Camargo, Daniel Stangarlin de; Matos, Jane Cecília Silveira de; Guerra, Sylvia de Fátima dos Santos; Soares, Luana da Silva; Oliveira, Alessilva do Socorro Lima de; Oliveira, Darleise de Souza; Gabbay, Yvone Benchimol; Linhares, Alexandre Costa; Mascarenhas, Joana D'Arc Pereira
| | | | · Geographic dispersion of Phyllostomidae family (Chiroptera) based on Cytochrome b sequences Holanda, Gustavo Moraes; Oliveira, Edivaldo Herculano Correa de; Ribeiro, Nelson Antonio Bailão
| | | | · Preliminary analysis of the mixed use of derivated neoglycolipids of PGL-1 of Mycobacterium leprae: antigen disaccharide (ND-O-BSA) and trisaccharide (NT-P-BSA) as a way to increase the sensitivity of ELISA anti-PGL-1 test Silvestre, Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Amador
| | | | · Profile of anti-PGL-1 antibodies in healthy people from endemic areas of leprosy in Pará State, Brazil Cunha, Maria Heliana Chaves Monteiro da; Silvestre, Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Amador; Queiroz, Marcos Fabiano de Almeida; Xavier, Marília Brasil
| | | Summary of thesis and dissertation | | | | · Characterization of the gene encoding of hemagglutinin and polymerase basic 2 of pandemic Influenza A virus (H1N1) isolated in the metropolitan mesoregion of Belém, Pará State, Brazil Ferreira, Jessylene de Almeida; Sousa, Rita Catarina Medeiros; Mello, Wyller Alencar de; Nunes, Márcio Roberto Teixeira
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