| Table of contents Inf. Epidemiol. Sus vol.11 no.3 Brasília Sept. 2002 Editorial | | | | · Saúde e ambiente: uma necessária reflexão Minayo, Maria Cecília de Souza
| | | Artigos originais | | | | · Between fragmentation and integration: health and quality of life in specific population groups Uchoa, Elizabeth; Rozemberg, Brani; Porto, Marcelo Firpo de Souza
| | | | · Spatial organization, health and quality of life: use of spatial analysis and indicators in health situation analysis Barcellos, Christovam de Castro; Sabroza, Paulo Chagastelles; Peiter, Paulo; Rojas, Luisa Iñiguez
| | | | · Global changes and development: health importance Confalonieri, Ulisses E. C.; Chame, Márcia; Najar, Alberto; Chaves, Sérgio A. de Miranda; Krug, Thelma; Nobre, Carlos; Miguez, José D. G.; Cortesão, Judith; Hacon, Sandra
| | | | · Environmental risk and vulnerable contexts: implications on health surveillance Augusto, Lia Giraldo da Silva; Freitas, Carlos Machado de; Torres, João Paulo Machado
| | | | · The concept of life at work in the analyses of work process and health at hospitals Machado, Jorge Mesquita Huet; Correa, Marilena Villela
| | | | · Preliminary report of reflections on prevention of impasses facing diseases of social-environmental causes Soares, Marisa da Silveira; Roque, Odir Clécio; Barbosa, Constança Simões; Silva, Luiz Fernando Saraiva da; Baptista, Darcílio Fernandes; Valladares, Jorge; Silva, Cesar Luiz Pinto Ayres Coelho da; Barreto, Magali Gonçalves Muniz; Borges, Denise Assunção; Soares, Renata Elisa S.; Coura Filho, Pedro; Maspero, Renato; Gallardo, Allan R.
| | | | · The construction of an unsustainable social environment Gomez, Carlos Minayo; Souza, Edinilsa Ramos de; Brito, Jussara Cruz de; Escorel, Sarah; Thedim-Costa, Sônia Maria
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